About Dothan Hoops


Our Story.
 Our Mission.

Dothan Hoops is dedicated to helping young athletes improve their playing skills using a specialized training curriculum for team and individual basketball player development. The individualized player development method is designed to develop the whole athlete using comprehensive strategies intended to foster self-assessment, critique, identification of desired achievement for new level of play, awareness of criteria needed to reach new level, and follow-through efforts required to reach the new standard of the game (including plans for overcoming adversities and setbacks). The effort for improvement will be enhanced by fundamental skills training for shooting, ball control, passing, defense, post play, guard play, court awareness and strategic understanding at the advanced, intermediate and beginning levels for teams and individuals. Future fundamental skills training will be improved by video analysis, evaluation, and feedback to maximize awareness of actions. A sports psychology component included in development, encompasses mental training and character development. The mental training component involves visualization and self-awareness for muscle tension, breathing patterns and physical strengths and weaknesses. Character development is based on a philosophy that includes 10 core values: Loyalty, Honesty, Dependability, Work Ethic, Teamwork, Respect for Authority, Accountability for Actions, Handling Criticism, Dealing with Adversity and Self-Correction. Dothan Hoops believes that every athlete is worthy of the opportunity to develop their skills as far as desire, talent and effort can take them. Using an individualized approach to player development, athletes will be afforded the training and preparation needed to excel in athletics at the middle school, junior varsity, varsity, and college levels. Implementation of sports psychology principles using built-in character development components will help students better prepare for the challenges that accompany future growth in personal and professional life.

The goal of Dothan Hoops is to provide supplemental sports instruction to athletes in the immediate and neighboring communities. The primary focus is on basketball training for youth ages 5 to 18. Services include instruction in shooting, passing, ball handling, strategic understanding and court awareness at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. Dothan Hoops aims to support school and community basketball programs by preparing athletes for better performance while building character. The primary delivery channel will be through instruction of a curriculum that addresses fundamental basketball skills, sports psychology, and awareness of skill progression. Character development is infused in the curriculum based on a philosophy that includes 10 core values. Dothan Hoops has developed a method for evaluating skill progression for each of the fundamental skill areas. The most strategic area addressed is the student’s awareness and ability to self-assess skills, identify present performance levels and act on a development plan to improve.

Our Team

Darius Brown (Owner & Lead Trainer)

Darius Brown (Coach Dee) is married to his high school sweetheart Terra and father of 3 boys. Coach Dee has been a student of the game since his teenage years and is dedicated to teaching young players how to play the game the correct way, building solid work habits, and teaching kids to respect the game of basketball. Coach Dee believes in pushing his players to ensure that they give nothing less than their best efforts while teaching the 3 D’s of basketball (Dedication, Determination, & Discipline). Coach Dee has a deep love for the game and loves sharing his knowledge and passion with young athletes.

Coaching Career:

  • 2012- present Head Coach/Director of Dothan Gymrats
  • 2013-present Director of Headland Youth Athletic Association
  • 2014 YBOA State Champion (Dothan Gymrats)
  • 2014 YBOA National Championship Runner-Up
  • 2016 & 2017 U.S. Games Runner Up (Team Alabama)
  • 2018 U.S. Games Champion (Team Alabama)
  • 2018 & 2019 ARPA District Champion
  • 2020 Headland High School Varsity Asst. Coach
  • 2020 – Headland Hero Award for leadership and involvement with youth in the community
  • 2023 – Present: Abbeville Christian Academy Athletic Director & Varsity Girls Coach

Dothan Hoops

Basketball Training With Confidence

Contact Us

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Join The Dothan Hoops

The primary focus is on basketball training for youth ages 5 to 18. Services include instruction in shooting, passing, ball handling, strategic understanding and court awareness at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. .

About Our Location

Phone: 334-648-0629
Email: contact@dothanhoops.com
Mon- Fri 4pm -8pm
Saturday - appointment only
Location: 128 S. Woodburn Dr, Dothan, AL 36305